45.3. The holder of a licence for a drawing authorizing the 50/50 activity where the value of each prize to be awarded is greater than $5,000 must prepare and keep a statement of gross and net profit. The licence holder must send a copy of the statement to the board not later than 60 days following the expiry date of the holder’s licence or when applying for a new licence.
The statement must include, for each drawing,(1) the time, place and date of the drawing;
(2) the number of tickets printed;
(3) the number of tickets sold;
(4) the selling price of the tickets;
(5) the total proceeds from the sale of tickets;
(6) the value of the prize awarded;
(7) the administration expenses related to the drawing;
(8) the profit or loss from the drawing;
(9) the name and address of the winner of the prize;
(10) an attestation that the prize was awarded, or if not, the reasons why a prize was not awarded.
If more than one 50/50 takes place on the same date, the statement must indicate the colour or serial number of the tickets used for each drawing.